How to clean the oven glass so that it shines clean? 3 brilliant tips

Wooden ladle
Paper napkins
150 g citric acid
1 liter of water
1 bottle equipped with an atomizer
The degreasing effect of citric acid will help you remove all grease and tarnish from the inside of the oven glass without having to disassemble it!


Mix the water and citric acid and pour the preparation into a bottle equipped with an atomizer.

You will have an effective and super-cleaning mixture in your possession!

<img src= » » alt= »vinaigre blanc » />

Then take a towel, spread it out and wrap it around a wooden ladle.

Now spray the towel with plenty of the product and place it on the inside of the window, spreading it over all dirty areas.

Repeat the step of changing towels until the surface is completely clean!
Hanger method:
This method is used in most cases because it is very practical and fast!

You will need:
Microfiber cloth
White vinegar
Like citric acid, white vinegar is a powerful degreasing agent and will help you get rid of the most stubborn and old greasy stains!


First, mix equal amounts of water and white vinegar, the amount of this acidic solution depends on how much mixture you need.

Bend the hanger away from the ends, then put a microfiber cloth on the hook and secure it with a rubber band.

Dip the cloth in a solution of water and white vinegar and use it to thoroughly clean the double glazing.

Repeat several times to thoroughly degrease the cloth, then rinse the cloth until the glass shines!

Baking soda and lemon

<img src= » » alt= »bicarbonate citron » />

If you don’t have a wooden ladle or hangers, you can use any cookware you like!

Make sure it fits easily in the double glazing to make things easier.

The use of a microfiber cloth is recommended.

Soak a cloth in a solution of water and vinegar, water with baking soda, or lemon juice.

Be sure to try the tips in a hidden corner first to make sure you don’t damage the oven and glass. To proceed safely, it is also recommended to always unplug the oven.

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