I have forever forgotten what flies, mosquitoes and midges are in the house: let’s get rid of them once and for all

Summer is many people’s favorite time of year. However, with the onset of the summer season, an unpleasant problem appears – midges, flies and mosquitoes attack us. Perhaps somewhere this problem does not play a big role, but in our region it reaches global proportions. If you want to open the window a little in the summer heat, it will be very difficult to escape from the annoying midges.

I found an excellent way to get rid of insects, which is simple and accessible. You don’t need any complex components or devices. This method is simple, only safe substances are used in the composition. So, we need: a container with a spray bottle, water and essential oil with a menthol aroma.

Essential oils are a wonderful thing! I have a lot of them in my collection, for different occasions. Nowadays the choice is huge in pharmacies and online stores, so finding a suitable option will not be difficult.

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