So I was out in the yard foraging today. Here’s my recipe for homemade Pinesol

4. Add Vinegar
Pour white vinegar into the jar, making sure to cover the pine boughs completely. Seal the jar tightly with the lid.
5. Let It Steep
Place the jar in a cool, dark place, and let the mixture steep for two to three weeks. During this time, the vinegar will extract the essential oils from the pine boughs, creating a powerful cleaning solution.
6. Strain the Mixture
After two to three weeks, strain the mixture using a strainer and pour it into a clean saucepan. Discard the pine boughs.
7. Heat the Solution
Gently heat the solution over low heat for about 5-10 minutes. This helps to further infuse the vinegar with the pine’s natural oils. Allow the solution to cool completely.
8. Transfer to a Spray Bottle
Once the solution has cooled, transfer it to a spray bottle for easy use. Be sure to label the bottle clearly so you know it’s your homemade Pinesol.
Usage Tips:
1. Use this natural cleaner to disinfect surfaces, leaving your home smelling fresh and clean.
2. Test the solution on a small area first to ensure it does not damage or discolor surfaces.
3. Shake the bottle gently before each use to mix the contents.
Creating your own homemade Pinesol with pine boughs and vinegar is a simple and effective way to bring nature into your cleaning routine. Enjoy the fresh pine scent and the satisfaction of knowing you’ve made a safe, eco-friendly cleaner. Happy foraging and cleaning!
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